Disneyland Tokyo Castle Show Oh! Summer Bonzai!
Oh! Summer Banzai! was new nighttime spectacular which marked the return of a Cinderella Castle stage show for the first time in 6 years. The show would feature castle moat water jets, flames, and drenching sprays of water directed at guests. There would also be castle projections, spotlights, and some really vibrant costuming — all combined to create a feast for the eyes, ears, and heart.
I was asked to write the main song which would complement an epic finale only Disney can produce. And my original production of the song (including vocal arranging, programming, and rhythm tracking) would continue to play after the show wrapped and guests exited the park.
I was able to combine pop, dance, Afro-Cuban, Japanese, and Broadway textures into an exciting and hooky number — which even includes some original Zulu phrases I got from South African friends.
Song begins at timestamp 15:55 of video
Original Song King of the Jungle
Writer: Joshua Spacht
Arranger: Jonathan Barr
Senior Music Producer: Dan Stamper
Custom Arrangement
My original production was used by Disneyland Tokyo as exit music. It includes a new chorus that’s distinct from the stage show. I arranged the vocals, programmed synths and additional percussion, and oversaw rhythm tracking for this unique arrangement.